What Surveys Say about Moving to the Cloud

Cloud computing has surged in popularity. The 2015 Cloud Security Spotlight Report clearly makes this point. More than 70 percent of the 1,010 participants reported that they use or plan to use a cloud computing solution. Yet, some organisations are still apprehensive about using the cloud. Common Concerns Organisations hesitant about cloud computing are often concerned about: Security. Security is …

4 Steps for Creating a Business Continuity Plan

Developing strategies for business growth is a cornerstone of the modern organisation. Developing strategies to help avoid business loss is just as important, which means business continuity plans are critical. These documents provide detailed plans on how to keep essential operations running during an emergency in order to minimise losses. Some organisations call these documents “disaster recovery plans.” Others use …

10 Reasons why your business needs a website

There are a lot of good reasons why your company needs a website, below are 10 reasons why its essential to be online now: 1. Convenience for customers Using the Internet to search for businesses and products is much easier and faster than any time in the past. Millions of searches are done everyday and it is commonplace for businesses …

6 Microsoft Office 2016 Details to Look Forward To

Microsoft Office 2016, the latest Windows-based version of the major technology company’s application suite, is scheduled for a release later this year. However, we already know quite a bit about the product, thanks to a preview and testing program that Microsoft has been running. Here are 6 details to look forward to, ahead of the product’s mainstream release: 1. Better …

6 IT Policies To Help Protect Your Company

Many companies rely on IT to help run their businesses. For this reason, they often depend on a set of IT policies to ensure the productive, appropriate, and legal use of IT resources. IT policies establish expectations and regulations for behavior related to company computers and networks. In addition, IT policies detail consequences for employees or customers in the event …

Why 3CX as a Virtual PBX Over Other Hosted Solutions?

Since technology started making its way towards the cloud, a whole array of virtual products have graced the business software and solutions market. When it comes to choosing a virtual PBX for your business, and with so many vendors claiming to offer the perfect solution, it can be a daunting task just narrowing down a shortlist of possible contenders. After …

Email Mistakes

5 tips on How to Spot a Malicious Email

5 tips on How to Spot a Malicious Email Email spam filtering is much better than it used to be.  For example with the anti-spam service I use I get maybe one spam email a week.   But no system is perfect and every now and then a malicious email will manage to slip into your inbox, so it’s critically important …

The Top Ten Tips to Protect Yourself from Malware

1. Do not open suspicious looking emails or click on URLs / hyperlinks in such mails. This cannot be stressed enough and is still a major reason for infection. If in doubt, delete! For businesses it is worth employing third party cloud-based email hygiene subscription services (such as our email software). These scan emails before they are delivered. They also offer features such as …

Why you should wait on the Windows 10 Upgrade

Microsoft announced that Windows 10, their latest operating system to grace the computers of this planet, will be launching and made available worldwide on 29 July 2015. As someone who uses the Technical Preview builds every day, they’re almost ready for gold status, but they’re a ways away from it, with a few remaining niggling issues to solve and some …

Protect your Personal Information

You hear about people’s hard earned money being defrauded every day and you may be scared that the same might happen to you. There are better ways to keep safe than to keep all your money hidden under your mattress. The best way to protect yourself is to protect all your personal information and keep it away from thugs. What …