Windows 10 includes the Wi-Fi Sense feature. It’s gotten good press and bad. By learning the facts without all the hype, you can make up your own mind about whether to use it. Wi-Fi Sense helps you find open wireless access points, better known as open Wi-Fi hotspots, so you can get online. You can also use it to connect …
Why you should wait on the Windows 10 Upgrade
Microsoft announced that Windows 10, their latest operating system to grace the computers of this planet, will be launching and made available worldwide on 29 July 2015. As someone who uses the Technical Preview builds every day, they’re almost ready for gold status, but they’re a ways away from it, with a few remaining niggling issues to solve and some …
Windows 10 Review and Features
Multi Will be offering the Windows 10 Upgrade pack for FREE On the 21st of January 2015 late Wednesday Night in South Africa the Multi staff were glued to the Windows 10 launch live stream. After all the features and demos we all agreed that Windows 10 is a definite upgrade for everyone using a device. It wasn’t another release of something new …