Isn’t it frustrating when your internet stops working? Do your video calls frequently drop? Programs taking forever to work through your VPN? Here are some simple to more advanced troubleshooting tips that you can take to resolve your problems. If your Wi-Fi suddenly stops working: First, make sure the Wi-Fi adapter on your device hasn’t disconnected from your Wi-Fi network. For …
5G is coming!
5G is the next generation follow up to 4G and like all previous generations, promises to make mobile communication faster and more reliable as more and more devices go online. Although we have not yet fully maxed out the speed limits of 4G, networks are congested and stretched thin. 5G not only increases the speed and the bandwidth, it also …
How to minimise Wi-Fi hiccups
Today, you simply can’t survive without a Wi-Fi connection. Businesses need fast, secure, and reliable internet to get work done and satisfy customers. But what about when you experience Wi-Fi issues? These fixes ought to do the trick! Range constraints (Wi-Fi) Wi-Fi works via radio waves that are broadcast from a central hub, usually a piece of hardware known as …
SMBs turn to hybrid clouds for flexibility
Who would have guessed that clouds could be so complex? Yet in a day and age of seemingly continuous technological advances, “cloud” computing has become one of the more intricate and interesting approaches to managing IT resources for businesses. Not to mention one of the most cost effective, flexible, and secure, thanks in part to something known as the “hybrid …
Email Security Feature for O365
While you can take many security precautions to protect your organisation, a cyber attack is always possible because of human error. Microsoft, however, is trying to change this. In the coming weeks, the technology giant plans to launch a new email security feature for Outlook, but only if you’re an Office 365 user. Here’s how it can help your business. …
Making Sense Out of Wi-Fi Sense
Windows 10 includes the Wi-Fi Sense feature. It’s gotten good press and bad. By learning the facts without all the hype, you can make up your own mind about whether to use it. Wi-Fi Sense helps you find open wireless access points, better known as open Wi-Fi hotspots, so you can get online. You can also use it to connect …
Wired vs Wireless Networks: Which Is Better?
As a business owner, you likely need to connect your computers to the Internet. One way to do so is to set up a local area network (LAN). With a LAN, you can provide Internet service to computers located in a relatively small area, such as an office building. When deciding between Wired vs Wireless Networks here are a few …