simple security measures

5 manageable and simple security measures

Don’t be put off by the tech jargon of security experts you find in forums and self-help books. A managed service provider is what you need to break down complex security ideas into easy-to-understand language. However, they generally focus on installing and managing protection software that’s often far too complicated to operate without their help. And when that’s the case, …

Hybrid cloud

SMBs turn to hybrid clouds for flexibility

Who would have guessed that clouds could be so complex? Yet in a day and age of seemingly continuous technological advances, “cloud” computing has become one of the more intricate and interesting approaches to managing IT resources for businesses. Not to mention one of the most cost effective, flexible, and secure, thanks in part to something known as the “hybrid …

Squarespace analytics for ecommerce

Better Squarespace analytics for eCommerce

There are quite a few content management systems (CMS) available for small and medium sized businesses to market themselves on the internet, all working to maximise the value of their features and eliminate gaps in service. One of these, Squarespace, has made a big splash with the addition of their Squarespace Analytics eCommerce functions. When choosing which CMS is right …

Business Continuity

Is your continuity plan doomed to fail?

Just because your IT provider has a plethora of awards and certifications under its belt doesn’t mean that you can blindly hand over your business’s future to them. Often times, there are some aspects in your business continuity plan that tend to be overlooked by your provider. We have rounded up some of these issues that could appear when you …


8 signs your computer might be infected with malware

Anti-malware software plays an important role in the battle against cybercrime. However, it is not infallible. Cybercriminals are constantly releasing new malware programs or variants of existing ones, and it takes a while for anti-malware software companies to update their products to defend against them. So, even if you use anti-malware software, your computer might still get infected. It will …

Email Security for O365

Email Security Feature for O365

While you can take many security precautions to protect your organisation, a cyber attack is always possible because of human error. Microsoft, however, is trying to change this. In the coming weeks, the technology giant plans to launch a new email security feature for Outlook, but only if you’re an Office 365 user. Here’s how it can help your business. …

Recognising a Social Engineering Attack

Recognising a Social Engineering Attack

Cyber criminals no longer necessarily hack your accounts or infect your systems to steal your information. These days, they often trick you into making a mistake. This kind of attack is called social engineering, and your common sense is your most powerful defence against it. With this article you will be better equiped for recognising a social engineering attack. Let’s …

Information Security Threats for 2017

Information security threats in 2017 will be more persistent and damaging than ever before. You need to be prepared for the unknown. This year could see an exponential rise in information security breaches that endanger the integrity and reputation of trusted organisations. The Information Security Forum, a global, independent information security body that focuses on cyber security and information risk …

5 Tips on How to Implement an Effective Cyber-Security Strategy for Finance

A Cyber-Security strategy is something that should be on the minds of every company’s executives. The threats to security are becoming increasingly complex, and the ability to stay one step ahead of those threats is more challenging than ever before. Multi IT & Telephony Solutions will now give you 5 tips on how ti implement an effective Cyber-Security strategy for …

Whale Phishing and how to protect yourself from it

Whale phishing is a phishing scam attack that targets the ‘big fish’ in an organisation; the senior executives and other people with access to highly valuable or sensitive information. The scam lures them to share valuable information or transfer funds into an account managed by the cybercriminal. Cybercriminals use spymail to gather important information about their ‘big fish’ before they …