Tech support scam alarms Chrome users

Tech support scam alarms Chrome users

With evolving technology comes evolving threats. Recently, a researcher revealed that a new type of scam freezes Google Chrome and tricks users into believing that their network security has been compromised. Little did they know that following instructions listed on the screen will lead to an actual security breach. The End Game The scam works by displaying an error message …

Are hackers using your PC to mine Bitcoin

Are hackers using your PC to mine Bitcoin?

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero are so popular because they’re secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars. But investors and consumers aren’t the only ones interested in them. Hackers are using malicious tactics to steal cryptocurrency, and they’re doing it with something called cryptojacking. Hijacked hardware Cryptojacking secretly uses your computer to calculate complex mathematical problems to generate cryptocurrency. They …

Think before saving logins to your browser

Think before saving logins to your browser

There are a number of reasons you should be wary of saving your password to a digital platform. Just look at Yahoo’s data breach in 2013, which leaked passwords for three billion people. Even when your password isn’t compromised, saving it to a browser could have serious implications for your privacy. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous In 2015, the …

Phishers use encrypted sites to scam

Just when you thought cyber criminals couldn’t get smarter, along comes a new scamming technique. Previously used for safeguarding browsing activity, encryption tools are now used by hackers in carrying out phishing scams. This means some fraudulent sites may have HTTPS on their address, giving users a false sense of security. How hackers use encryption to carry out phishing scams …

A keylogger found in HP laptops

A keylogger found in HP laptops

Are you using an HP laptop? If so, your machine might have a keylogger pre-installed. This means every stroke you hit on your keyboard can be recorded and your passwords and personal details can be exposed. But don’t panic. We’re about to tell you how to remove it while educating you about this sneaky software and how to steer clear …

Cybersecurity Essentials VPN

Cybersecurity Essentials: VPN

Whether it’s because of government surveillance or cyberattacks, internet users are more concerned than ever about the privacy of their online activities. Unfortunately, security measures like firewalls and antivirus software can’t help you in this case, but there’s one that can: Virtual Private Network (VPN). What is VPN? Simply put, a VPN is a group of servers you connect to …

Google improves Chrome’s security settings

Google improves Chrome’s security settings

Most web browsers have built-in security measures to protect users, but some of those aren’t enough to ward off unwanted software. To improve Chrome’s security, Google rolled out some changes in its Chrome Cleanup tool for Windows. Here’s how the enhanced tool protects you. Detect hijacked settings Many users prefer to enhance their browsing experience by installing extensions or plug-ins, …

Google studies effects of leaked logins

Google studies effects of leaked logins

Passwords are your first line of defense against hackers. But over the years, they have developed plenty of methods to steal them. To gain a deeper understanding of how cybercriminals operate, Google analyzed the causes of leaked login credentials. Here are the results. The results From March 2016 to March 2017, Google and UC Berkeley researchers examined three main ways …

Hackers exploit vulnerable Office feature

Hackers exploit vulnerable Office feature

As the world’s most popular productivity suite, Microsoft Office tends to receive much attention from cybercriminals. Generally, hackers embed malware in authentic Office files to trick users into unleashing it onto their machines. However, the most recent exploit proves to be much more dangerous than any Office hack we’ve seen. What’s the new Office threat? The Office exploit takes advantage …

Guest Wi-Fi 101

Guest Wi-Fi 101

No matter who they are, people today expect Wi-Fi access when they’re guests of your office. Setting up your Wi-Fi the wrong way can create a tedious experience for them and even expose your confidential information. So what’s the right way to do it? Never give guests access to your primary Wi-Fi While giving guests password to your company’s main …

Re-secure your passwords

Re-secure your passwords!

In 2003, a manager at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) authored a document on password best practices for businesses, federal agencies, and academic institutions. Now retired, the author admits that his document was misguided. Find out why and what great passwords are made of. The problem The issue isn’t necessarily that NIST advised people to create passwords …

Here comes Firefox Quantum

Here comes Firefox Quantum

Google Chrome wasn’t always the browser of choice for internet users. Before 2008, people turned to Safari, Opera, and even Internet Explorer. But all of that changed with the arrival of Firefox, the reigning champ of its time. And now, we think it deserves your attention once again. What is it? Firefox Quantum, AKA Firefox 57, is Mozilla’s newest and …