Email mistakes caused by careless human error is one of the main causes of IT mail problems. Many companies know how disastrous these mistakes can be. As the Ponemon Institute’s 2014 Cost of Data Breach Study pointed out, nearly one-third of all data breaches were caused by careless human error. Email mistakes in particular stand out as significant causes of …
Cyberthreat Affecting 950 Million Mobile Devices
Cyberthreat vulnerabilities are everywhere. Cybersecurity firm Zimperium announced in July 2015 that it had discovered a major vulnerability in Google’s Android mobile operating system. The flaw potentially allows hackers to access approximately 95% of all Android smartphones and tablets. That adds up to around 950 million mobile devices that are at risk. A Uniquely Dangerous Cyberthreat Usually, hackers need their …
The Top Ten Tips to Protect Yourself from Malware
1. Do not open suspicious looking emails or click on URLs / hyperlinks in such mails. This cannot be stressed enough and is still a major reason for infection. If in doubt, delete! For businesses it is worth employing third party cloud-based email hygiene subscription services (such as our email software). These scan emails before they are delivered. They also offer features such as …
Protect your Personal Information
You hear about people’s hard earned money being defrauded every day and you may be scared that the same might happen to you. There are better ways to keep safe than to keep all your money hidden under your mattress. The best way to protect yourself is to protect all your personal information and keep it away from thugs. What …
5 Big Security Threats you could face in 2015
2014 was completely disastrous from a security point of view for companies and people alike. Apple’s iCloud breach saw private celebrity photos leaked, the most memorable security breach of 2014 was Sony Pictures who was thanks to a breach in Apple’s iCloud, Sony Pictures was the victim of it all but crippled the company and the public at large found itself …
Information Security Password strength is key
In today’s technologically driven business marketplace one of most often overlooked points of vulnerability to your business and personal information security is the strength or weakness of the passwords that you define for usage when logging into: your computer network, email provider, online banking, accounting or payroll applications. To underestimate the importance of strong passwords is to leave the door …
Why your company needs an Internet Policy
With computers and Internet access such an integral part of every business, and the Internet filled with everything from gambling to X-Rated websites, it is critical that every business has an Internet Use Policy in place. This policy can help prevent your employees from accidentally or intentionally causing harm to your company or your company’s reputation. While you don’t want …