The dangers of distributed spam distraction

The dangers of distributed spam distraction

Users get around 200 emails in their inbox a day, including work messages, automated payment slips, and everyone’s least favorite email, spam. Spam messages are mostly harmless, but when you get more than 10,000 of them flooding your inbox, you’re probably the victim of a special type of spam attack. Understanding DSD Distributed Spam Distraction (DSD) is designed to inundate …

Fighting ransomware with virtualization

Fighting ransomware with virtualization

Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there’s no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker’s demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, it’s important to protect your business with virtual disaster recovery solutions. Virtual DR Virtual DR solutions allow …

Meltdown and Spectre fixes cause problems

Meltdown and Spectre fixes cause problems

It’s been three weeks since one of the worst IT security vulnerabilities in history was announced, and consumers are still receiving mixed messages about how to protect themselves. We usually encourage users to install software updates as often as possible, but when it comes to Meltdown and Spectre, that advice comes with an asterisk. Unsecured data storage Spectre and Meltdown …

Data safety - The non-technical way

Data safety: The non-technical way

Keeping up with advancements in technology as a business owner is tough, especially when those advancements relate to information security. However, it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few physical security tips you can implement to protect your data before calling us! Cover up your webcam There must be some credibility to doing this if Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, …

Is your browser safe from Spectre

Is your browser safe from Spectre?

The Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox browsers may not be as safe as you think. Security researchers recently discovered that computer chips manufactured in the past two decades contain major security vulnerabilities. One can be used by hackers to gain access to sensitive data. Read on to learn more. What is Spectre? To understand this unprecedented vulnerability, you need …

Phishers use encrypted sites to scam

Just when you thought cyber criminals couldn’t get smarter, along comes a new scamming technique. Previously used for safeguarding browsing activity, encryption tools are now used by hackers in carrying out phishing scams. This means some fraudulent sites may have HTTPS on their address, giving users a false sense of security. How hackers use encryption to carry out phishing scams …

A keylogger found in HP laptops

A keylogger found in HP laptops

Are you using an HP laptop? If so, your machine might have a keylogger pre-installed. This means every stroke you hit on your keyboard can be recorded and your passwords and personal details can be exposed. But don’t panic. We’re about to tell you how to remove it while educating you about this sneaky software and how to steer clear …

Identity and Access Management 101

Identity and Access Management 101

Whether it be cloud, mobile, or on-premises, every technology you use stores certain confidential data that are accessed by your employees. So how do you guarantee the safety of said data from cyber threats like identity theft, phishing attacks and more? IAM is the answer. What is IAM? Identity and access management is a system that secures, stores, and manages …

Guest Wi-Fi 101

Guest Wi-Fi 101

No matter who they are, people today expect Wi-Fi access when they’re guests of your office. Setting up your Wi-Fi the wrong way can create a tedious experience for them and even expose your confidential information. So what’s the right way to do it? Never give guests access to your primary Wi-Fi While giving guests password to your company’s main …

New phishing scam targets Office 365 users

New phishing scam targets Office 365 users

With more than 100 million monthly active subscribers, Office 365 has attracted the attention of hackers who’ve revamped an age-old trick. This time, they come up with a highly targeted, well-crafted spear-phishing scam that’s even more difficult to identify. Here’s everything you need to know. What makes it different from other scams? The new threat comes in the form of …

Facebook faces devious adware

Facebook faces devious adware

When you receive an email from an unfamiliar source urging you to click on a link or download a file, it’s easy to send it straight to the bin due to its spam-like nature. It’s a completely different story when the message is sent via Facebook Messenger by one of your friends. Such is the case with the latest social …

What you need to know about malware

What you need to know about malware

You’ve all heard of viruses, spyware, ransomware and trojans. But did you know that they’re all types of malware? They’re all designed to ruin your digital life, but different types of malware put your computer at risk in different ways. Understanding what sets them apart can keep your business guarded. Viruses Once created to annoy users by making small changes …