Energy saving tips for your PC

Energy saving tips for your PC

You want to save energy, but you need to use your PC every day. So maybe you just resort to turning off your computer when you’re not using it. But a plugged-in PC or electrical appliance, even when turned off, consumes standby power. Here are some tips on how you can save energy with your PC. 1. Disconnect your external …

Endure tech disasters with external support

Endure Tech Disasters With External IT Support

Three decades ago, the notion of hiring specialists in information technology was virtually unheard of. Nowadays, the majority of businesses are digitally operated, which means technology specialists are a must, especially given the huge increase in different types of security breaches. Determine how external IT support can back you up in times of technical distress. Access to new technologies and …

A Path to Great Technology for Nonprofits

A Path to Great Technology for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations face many challenges when it comes to technology including restricted budgets and limited in-house IT resources. This makes it difficult to own, implement, manage and leverage mission-critical technology. Gartner Group reports that businesses spend an average of 2.3% of annual revenues on IT. Regardless of whether your tech budget is higher or lower than 2.3%, it’s important to …

The Real Solution to Downtime and Costly IT Repairs

The Real Solution to Downtime and Costly IT Repairs

Recently, an area manufacturer came to us because it seemed like there was always something disrupting access to their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software which meant everyone from frontline production and logistics to accounting and administration was unable to get the job done. This manufacturer was repeatedly calling their IT provider to come and fix something. Since they were using …

5 Simple ways to cut your printing costs

5 Simple ways to cut your printing costs

It may not seem as though your printing infrastructure is costing your business a great deal. But if left unmanaged, you could end up with an overinflated IT budget dominated by equipment maintenance and hardware and supplies purchases. Here are some ways to avoid that. Replace outdated printers Outdated and cheap printers may be functional, but they are putting a …

Google cloud just got much faster

Google cloud just got much faster

The Google Cloud Platform can do virtually any business computing task you need it to. From pre-written machine learning modules to high-end data analysis, it’s limited only by the internet connection you use to access it. But now, even that is being improved upon. What is Google Cloud Platform? Similar to Amazon Web Services or Microsoft’s Azure, the Google Cloud …

How to secure your IoT devices

How to secure your IoT devices

More firms are using the Internet of Things (IoT) to create new business opportunities. For instance, companies that install smart sensors can automate data entry and monitor their inventory. However, if left unsecured, IoT devices also give hackers an opportunity to breach your network. In order to keep attackers at bay, we advise you take the following precautions with your …

New Microsoft Workplace Analytics

New Microsoft Workplace Analytics

Workplace Analytics is a program that helps managers determine staff productivity levels using data gathered from their email, calendar, documents, and other applications within Office 365. Previously, Microsoft’s MyAnalytics allowed only employees to view their individual data, but with this updated version, managers now have access to this data, too. How it works Now available as an add-on to Office …

How thin and zero clients save money

How thin and zero clients save money

Businesses are always looking for ways to cut costs without sacrificing growth. For the longest time, many believed that they had to purchase workstations with its own processing power, RAM, and hard drive. But thanks to virtualization, companies can save money and get the computing processes they need with thin and zero clients. What are thin and zero clients? Thin …

Why businesses need a UPS

Why businesses need a UPS

Power outages caused by utility failure, accidents, and natural disasters such as storms, flooding, or earthquakes are inevitable. There’s very little you can do to prevent any of these from happening, but you can avoid the consequences to your business by using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). What is an uninterruptible power supply? An uninterruptible power supply is an essential …