Facebook faces devious adware

Facebook faces devious adware

When you receive an email from an unfamiliar source urging you to click on a link or download a file, it’s easy to send it straight to the bin due to its spam-like nature. It’s a completely different story when the message is sent via Facebook Messenger by one of your friends. Such is the case with the latest social …

What you need to know about malware

What you need to know about malware

You’ve all heard of viruses, spyware, ransomware and trojans. But did you know that they’re all types of malware? They’re all designed to ruin your digital life, but different types of malware put your computer at risk in different ways. Understanding what sets them apart can keep your business guarded. Viruses Once created to annoy users by making small changes …

Wikileaks details router vulnerabilities

Wikileaks details router vulnerabilities

When we write about how antivirus software isn’t enough to keep you safe from malware, it’s not just scare tactics. There are so many ways hackers can break into your system that antivirus solutions will never catch. For a real-world example, look no further than the router exploit kit recently leaked from the CIA. The Wikileaks CIA documents For several …

Bluetooth users beware!

Bluetooth users beware!

Bluetooth technology helps simplify our daily lives — it allows for hands free communication, a quick and easy way to share content with friends, family, colleagues, and more. In fact, 45 percent of Americans have Bluetooth enabled across multiple devices. This raises the question: Does using Bluetooth leave our doors opened to hacker attacks? Google paid a settlement fee of $7million …

How to defend against WannaCry

How to defend against WannaCry

Both businesses and individuals across dozens of countries were scrambling to fix their computer systems after a ransomware, named WannaCry, caused major disruptions last year. Like most ransomware, WannaCry encrypts files and demands a Bitcoin payment for their release. What’s worse, more WannaCry variants will likely be developed in the near future, according to security researchers. Fortunately, there are some …

Web browser cybersecurity, ranked

Web browser cybersecurity, ranked

Cybersecurity didn’t become more important in light of the WannaCry ransomware epidemic, it just became more visible to the average internet user. If like so many others, you’re auditing the security of business’s software, web browsers are a great place to start. Learn more about how your browser choice stacks up in your security comparison. Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)/Edge Despite …

Microsoft Word bug What you need to know

Microsoft Word bug: What you need to know

Software developers and hackers are in a constant game of cat and mouse. When cybercriminals find new security bugs to exploit, tech companies have to quickly release a solution that secures those vulnerabilities. Earlier this year, Microsoft released a patch to eliminate a Word exploit designed to steal user information. If you’re an avid Microsoft Word user, here’s what you …

An essential checklist for WordPress users

An essential checklist for WordPress users

Wake up. Take a shower. Get dressed. These are just some of the numerous tasks we do every single day. They may not be fun, but they are essential to our daily routine. Managing a WordPress website is very much the same. By going through the necessary steps, you can ensure the speed and security of your website. Also, it …

Skip the Bad News About Cyberthreats. This Is Worse.

Skip the Bad News About Cyberthreats. This Is Worse.

Would you jump out of an airplane without knowing how to operate your parachute? We’re guessing the answer is, “Heck No!” Yet, that’s what company leaders do every day they operate without a comprehensive cyberattack mitigation and response system—including the expertise to minimise damage after a cyberthreat breach. Researchers at the Ponemon Institute have discovered that while 86% of business …

What you need to know about Cloudbleed

What you need to know about Cloudbleed

Internet security company Cloudflare revealed a major flaw in their system. The so-called ‘Cloudbleed’ vulnerability leaked customer information from thousands of websites, according to Cloudflare researchers. Fortunately, there have been no signs of exploitation, but that doesn’t mean you should be complacent. Here’s everything you need to know about Cloudbleed. What is Cloudbleed? Although it’s technically similar to Heartbleed, a …