Extending your laptop battery life

Extending your laptop battery life

Whether you prefer a quick fix or a long-term solution, extending your laptop battery life should be among your priorities if you’re a heavy laptop user. Replacing an old battery with a new one or purchasing a new laptop shouldn’t be your only options, especially if you operate a business with limited resources. Here are some more economical ways to …

Microsoft Word bug What you need to know

Microsoft Word bug: What you need to know

Software developers and hackers are in a constant game of cat and mouse. When cybercriminals find new security bugs to exploit, tech companies have to quickly release a solution that secures those vulnerabilities. Earlier this year, Microsoft released a patch to eliminate a Word exploit designed to steal user information. If you’re an avid Microsoft Word user, here’s what you …

Why you need to back up your mobile devices

Why you need to back up your mobile devices

There was a time when mobile phones were used exclusively for calling and texting. Now, they can do so much more. Regardless of your level of tolerance or skill for managing documents in such a small gadget, mobile devices allow you to send and receive email, download and upload media files, store data, and even close business deals. As mobile …

An essential checklist for WordPress users

An essential checklist for WordPress users

Wake up. Take a shower. Get dressed. These are just some of the numerous tasks we do every single day. They may not be fun, but they are essential to our daily routine. Managing a WordPress website is very much the same. By going through the necessary steps, you can ensure the speed and security of your website. Also, it …

Firmware the threat most users overlook

Firmware: the threat most users overlook

For decades, one of the most foundational principles of cyber security has remained the same: Always update and patch your software. But for most people, hardware is exempt from this process. They think of hardware as nothing more than a vessel for software to occupy — and that’s totally incorrect. Read on to learn more about Firmware, this oft-neglected aspect …

Did Microsoft commit a security breach

Did Microsoft commit a security breach?

In case you didn’t know, Microsoft provides Office 365 users with a free document-sharing platform called docs.com. It’s a great new tool for publishing files intended for public viewing. The downside is, sensitive documents are published without the file owners’ permission. These include hundreds of users who might be unaware that their private files can be viewed by the public. What’s …

Benefits of social media policy reviews

Benefits of social media policy reviews

Does your business have a social media policy? If so, when was the last time you updated it? If you’re taking too long to answer these questions, that isn’t a good sign. Because you should be conducting regular reviews, at least annually. You’d enjoy innumerable benefits, and deter your employees from obsessing over Snapchat filters in the process. Avoid legal …

Security Is the government really spying on you?

Is the government really spying on you?

Wikileaks, the website that anonymously publishes leaked information, recently released a number of documents alleging widespread surveillance by the US government. The released documents claim that the vast majority of these efforts took place via smartphones, messaging apps and…TVs? Let’s see just how worrisome they really are. What devices and apps are supposedly vulnerable? Wikileaks labeled its ongoing release of …

MyAnalytics O365's productivity coach

MyAnalytics: O365’s productivity coach

Installing software that immediately boosts employee efficiency is any small- or medium-sized business owner’s dream. With Office 365’s newest dashboard — that’s exactly what you’re getting. And best of all, it’s directly integrated with your existing productivity suite. Read on to learn more. What is MyAnalytics? Microsoft’s newest productivity offering is all about applying machine learning technology to your employees’ …

Google Chrome gets new features

Google Chrome gets new features

Google releases a new version of Google Chrome almost every month. Some updates involve minor bug fixes and improvements, while others feature many more exciting additions. For its version 57 release, Google announced some serious upgrades to Chrome, and here are the three we think you’ll be more interested in. More power consumption improvements Google’s browser is a known battery …