The workforce has changed. In 2016, Millennials (born 1981-1996) passed Gen-Xers (1965-1980) and Baby Boomers (1946-1964) to become the largest generation in the U.S. labor force with 56 million Millennials working or looking for work, according to the Pew Research Center.
Employers hoping to attract Millennials to their organizations need to be aware that the Millennial employee is much different than their older counterparts. Having grown up with technology, Millennials multitask and collaborate like no other generation before. They are diverse, optimistic and the most educated workers in history.
Born in the era of fast-developing technology along with the births of the PC and Mac, our Millennial workers have always had the internet and social media. As socially conscious team players, they seek out careers that are socially fulfilling, achievement-oriented and provide flexible work schedules.
How Technology Leads to Employee Satisfaction
Your company’s ability to attract the best and brightest employees – especially Millennials – is greatly increased by having current technology in place along with flexible schedules.
Up-to-date technology
Older PCs operating with Windows XP and Office 2003 are obsolete. Support for both XP and Office 2003 officially ended in 2014. If your business still runs on this operating system and software, tech-savvy job candidates may not be interested in working for you, not to mention that your business is at greater risk of cyberattacks when running outdated and unsupported computing resources. Today’s employees are accustomed to fast processors, sharp graphics, and interactive integrated software. They may become worn down and frustrated with slow computers and ongoing compatibility issues, leading to their departure from your organization.
Work from anywhere
Allowing your employees flexibility, such as working from home or modifying the traditional 8-to-5 schedule, leads to happier, more productive employees. Cloud computing provides businesses with the best opportunity to adopt flexible work parameters for employees.
Shifting even a few software applications like Microsoft Office and other line of business applications to a cloud environment frees up your staff to work from anywhere. Staff can easily collaborate and still securely access the current information they need to do their job with cloud-based solutions. Cloud computing also empowers mobile staff members to accomplish more in the field without having to backtrack to the office.
Your staff members are most likely already using cloud apps on their smartphones and are accustomed to cloud-based environments. Your team already recognizes the benefits of even the simplest cloud conversion, i.e., Office 365, and will embrace the cloud’s ease of use and flexibility.
Cloud provides another benefit your staff will appreciate: you’re never out of date. Working with cloud applications means you always have the most current features and tools, which almost always means increased productivity, effectiveness, and collaboration capabilities.
Free cloud software like Google apps and Dropbox are not always secure so make sure you take advantage of the cloud’s more secure options. Multi IT can educate and recommend affordable and secure cloud applications to keep your files safe and give your employees the mobile, advanced technology they desire. Give Multi IT a call on 011 435 0450, we’ll assess your tech needs.