
Fans of Dropbox can collaborate with Paper

The only documents not worth the paper they’re printed on are the ones that never receive a second pair of eyes. At least, that’s how we’re interpreting the latest release from Dropbox, document collaboration service. Long a bastion of cloud storage, the company is broadening its offerings with a new online work-space called ‘Paper.’ Does it have the functionalities to …

O365 gets an upgrade

Office 365 gets an upgrade!

Did you know that Microsoft’s Office 365 platform provides updates to their online components once every quarter? This is quite impressive because as an end user, you’ll be able to enjoy a more feature-rich and intuitive experience with your cloud productivity suite without having to manually install the updates yourself. So what exactly does Office 365 gets an upgrade update …

Microsoft FindTime

Arrange meetings with Microsoft FindTime

While an impressive arsenal of weapons can help you win a battle, you need diligence, perseverance and sacrifice to win the war. But when that war is waged in the arena of calendar management, you’re dealing with a whole other monster. When scheduling meetings, uncontrollable factors like varying schedules and department-specific time constraints mean that the same war strategy won’t …

Office 365 Bookings

Make plans with Office 365 Bookings

Office 365 bookings is the latest edition to the Microsoft family. This online service helps schedule appointments with businesses using software. Good ‘ol pen and paper definitely still work, but given the world’s technological advances, digital appointment management makes sense. Besides never having to pick up the phone to schedule your events ever again, here are four other reasons why …


Salesforce-Outlook add-on announced

According to Salesforce, an average sales rep spends more than 70 percent of their time each week in their email inbox. Despite this fact, email and customer relationship management (CRM) software has remained separate, forcing sales reps to toggle between them. Fortunately, we have some good news for small and medium-sized businesses: Salesforce will finally be integrated into Microsoft Outlook. …

Master Microsoft Excel

Master Microsoft Excel with these 7 tips

One of the skills crucial to the success of businesses today is digital literacy. This isn’t the proficiency of reading and reciting gadget labels, but according to Cornell University, “the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet.” One of the first steps involved is to master Microsoft Excel. Here are seven tips …

Email Security for O365

Email Security Feature for O365

While you can take many security precautions to protect your organisation, a cyber attack is always possible because of human error. Microsoft, however, is trying to change this. In the coming weeks, the technology giant plans to launch a new email security feature for Outlook, but only if you’re an Office 365 user. Here’s how it can help your business. …

How to Enable Employees to Work Remotely

The ability for employees to work remotely has triggered significant workplace change. Some jobs are more suited to it than others – recruiters, engineers and writers, for example, are just some of the people finding it easy to work remotely. However, in some cases, entire business functions, such as call centres, are run with people working remotely, sometimes on the …

Office 365

The 3 important offerings of Office 365

Trust is the foundation of every good relationship. That’s as true in business as it is in friendship. Today, more than 1.2 billion people worldwide trust Microsoft Office to provide a reliable productivity solution with commercial-grade privacy, security and compliance features to keep their data secured. With more organizations moving to the cloud, and more people using cloud-based services such …