IT Budget

Planning your 2016 IT Budget

Planning for success is nice in theory, but it’s hard for any business, especially in South Africa. Everyone knows the term “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The reason everyone has heard that term before is because planning and budgeting is critical for business success. Here at Multi we believe an IT Budget can help save you money and make you money.

Your IT budget may not even exist or you may think it’s very small so there’s no need to budget for your IT. That is until you are sitting in September the following year and wondering why you have spent so much on printer cartridges or how this laptop replacement just came out of the blue and the list of possible “bumps” along your trip to business success is endless. Here are a few tips you should consider for your IT budget for 2016 to have smooth sailing on your way to business success.

Tips for your 2016 IT Budget

  1. Growth – What kind of growth do you see happening?

How will you grow?

What factors determine your growth?

Then departmentalise those goals in your organisation.

Growth goals need to be SMART, SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

  1. Security – End point security, Network security, Infrastructure security. Making sure you keep the business critical data away from the end user. Have a service provider that offers up complete accountability for your business IT security.

  1. Cloud Solutions – If you have read the article on our IT blog about the cloud solutions survey results you will see that cloud solutions are gaining traction and are definitely the direction companies are moving in. Now you need to decide if this is right for your business or get specialists like Multi in to advise you on the best course for your company to take after analysing a variety of factors.

  1. New Technologies – Are you looking to implement any new technologies in the coming year? If so you need to at least have a rough estimate of the cost of these implementations.

  1. Staffing changes – Are you looking to change or add staff. The growth you predict will also be a factor in your staffing requirements.

  1. Malware threat – Dridex Malware helped hackers steal over $40 Million in the US and UK and can definitely affect you and your business.

  1. Your print costs – Many companies have no idea how much they have spent on print and print peripherals until the end of the year. Knowing how much and being more efficient in printing can save your company a fortune. A fortune that can be better spent in growing the business. Using a service like Multi’s Managed Print Solution will help you reduce your print costs and save you money.

For any information on preparing your IT budget or if you would like your IT budget prepared for you like our managed service customers receive please contact Multi on 08600 Multi (68584) or email [email protected].

Thank you and may you have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous new year.

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